Forge of Empires: White Lotus

White Lotus 

Member Sponsored

Awards System


Presenting the White Lotus Performance Awards system. 
The entire program is funded by member sponsors(msg PC for details) 
there is no entry requirements to be eligible for these awards, simply complete your RAISING THE BAR goal and the award  requirement. Drawings will be held from eligible members and winners announced, the sponsors for each reward will then visit your city and place your winnings where either 1-they will do you most good (nudge) or 2- where it is obvious you are working. this was chosen to speed up payments. we have minimum 3 big packages going out every two weeks.
There are two awards sets availble one each GE week and GBG season. Awards are generally released in the days following week/season end. The data must be entered and then BKS does his work, and then Lady A or PC double checks it, and posts to the guild on appropriate days(GE typically on wednesday and GBG on friday or saturday)
currently we have around 6000fp movong through the awards system into members GB's, Any member can sponsor an award. message PC
 listing of current awards sets
Guild Expedition Performance Awards
Nick the Stone  200FP 64 encounters 
Vlad Taltos     100FP 64 encounters   
Michael         100FP 64 encounters   
BKSForge        100FP 64 encounters  
BKSForge        50FP For first time 16/48 encounters:
BKSForge        50FP For first time 32/48 encounters: 
Zezima          100FP For first time 48/48 encounters: 
Zezima          100FP For first time 64/64 encounters: 
GBG Performance Awards
In order to be eligible for awards you must either have 300 encounters **OR** meet your Raising the bar goal for the season. 
Lady A sponsoring 100FP for most improved 
Jay Sponsoring 100FP for the Fiercest Fighter 
PC sponsoring 100FP for Toughest Negotiator 
Zezima sponsoring 400FP for 400+ encounters     
Mr T sponsoring 100FP for "Pity the Fool"      
Nick 200fp                       
Uncle Gene 100fp             
Fermia  100fp                  
Baccus     100fp for MMA award(75% fight/ 25% neg)   
AND NOT TO FORGET Lady A's 25fp award for improvements over 10: 
ADDITIONALLY- if the improvement was in FIGHTS these members get 10 extra fp. thanks Lady A



We Beat Those Suckas
on weeks where we beat a guild higher ranked than us in GE *AND* place first the following award package will become eligible for those completing 64 encounters. ONE WINNER TAKES ALL
1- 2,500 goods (100 of each PE, ME & PME and 200 of each Indy) (The Guz)
1- 500fp (PC)
1- 250FP (Zez)
1- 100fp (ovasto)
1-100fp (Jay)
1- 100fp (Nick)
1- 50FP (Tommy)
these will only become availible on those weeks that the above 2 conditions are met. this package is above and beyond our normal awards. watch for this package to grow
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