Forge of Empires: White Lotus

Welcome to White Lotus!

You have found a great home! We are all about helping each other to learn, grow, and advance. At the same time we love to HAVE FUN. We consider our members FAMILY expect to be treated as such. To keep things running smoothly there are just a few things we all must do to keep it working.


Absolutely anything can be overcome just by talking to someone. This rule alone can and often has superseded all other policies. Our leaders are always available to discuss game or guild related things. If a member of leadership contacts you for ANY reason a response is REQUIRED.

GUILD COMMUNICATION METHOD(required) If you contact a leader for any GUILD RELATED problem please include TWO Staff, one of whom MUST BE Lady Astraia, and please include ANY OTHER MEMBERS involved.


This includes- aiding guildies a minimum of 4 times a week, Helping in the market, Donating to Sticks to bricks GB, Participating in swaps and the 1.9(ARC 80's are expected to be active in the 1.9), Doing equal share of GE and GBG

[3] GE & GBG

The Final goal for each member of the guild is 48 GE Encounters each week(nearly EVERY MEMBER completes 64) and 300 GBG encounters each GBG season(11 days). Don't panic, we have a growth program.  Please see the RAISING THE BAR page for more details.


All swap threads work exactly the same with varying amounts WATCH THREAD TITLE. it is IMPERATIVE that you post your great building and THEN pay the person directly above your post. If you do not, someone may post their GB while you are applying your FP. You are responsible for by the ORDER OF POST paying the person DIRECTLY ABOVE YOUR POST. Our Threads can be quite active and it is not uncommon for you to click for a thread and have it move as you click CHECK THREAD TITLE  once it opens.


Every member is required to donate 1-2(or more) FP to EVERY GB that goes through the STYX TO BRICKS thread.   If you miss one, and that will happen, simply add a few to the next level.  Or as a lot of members do, get in the habit of donating 10 or so to every one you do catch. 

When you BUILD A NEW GB immediatly place it in the STYX TO BRICKS thread, post a message in main thread about it, and sit back. Here at White Lotus THE GUILD TAKES CARE OF STYX. And STYX normally will get you to level 3-4. Then it is up to you to level by your preferred method.


We support growing through ALL areas of the game and this includes the MARKET. White Lotus considers 10-15% profit a fair trade. A lot of Guild members will in fact take those trades because it HELPS A GUILDIE. We also allow 2:1 trades in all ages. ONE AGE up or down at a time. Use the following rule: trading a good for a good of the same age: 1 for 1; trading goods for previous age: 1 for 2; and for trading goods for one age higher: 2 for 1. However it is suggested that you get to know and use the FAIR TRADE CALCULATOR as exchange rates for all ages above LMA vary a lot. If you have a for profit trade posted and a Guild member asks you to make it even you WILL do so. Cruise the GUILD market often. That trade you take that just shuffles your goods around may be the one to get a GB up or complete a quest. And remember; trades within the Guild DO NOT cost you any Forge Points!


Should you choose to ATTACK ANY MEMBER IN PUBLIC THREADS you will be KICKED by the first leader who sees it, no excuses.  IF you have ANY ISSUE with another member of this guild, use the proper communication method to settle it IN PRIVATE.


Here at White Lotus we have an extensive MEMBER SPONSORED awards system for both GE and GBG. this system moves approximatly 6,000FP per 2 week season onto the GB of outstanding performers. If you would like to sponsor an award please contact PC.

The EXECUTIVE COUNCIL reserves the right to make changes to this policy as may be deemed neccessary at any time

For information on the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL and the rest of the staff here at White Lotus please see page GUILD STAFF

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