Forge of Empires: White Lotus


To allow guild members to secure first and second place on great buildings (GB) to get arc bonuses.

It is suggested (not required) the GB is at level 10 or higher before being placed in the thread. Although not required it would be helpful to have an ARC so you can get arc bonus. If you are not a member of the 190 thread, post a message in the 190 chat thread that you would like to be added and leadership will add you.

Before you place a GB in the 190 thread for places 1 or 2 (or both) go to the GB investment ( web page and select the GB you want to put into the 190 thread. Select the GB you want to post to the 190. In my example I am going to use the Innovation tower (Contemporary Era). Click on the GB and the following screen will appear:

Enter the level the GB will be leveled at (enter 7 if GB is currently at 6) and enter 90 for the ‘% of global investors bonus (arc bonus)’. A chart will show the Forge Points (FP) under the column 'Rewards with rate' to secure each place (1 through 5). For the Innovation Tower level 7 to secure first place is 124fps and second place is 67fps. The amount of FP the owner is responsible for is 312 (under column 'FP to put by the owner to secure the place') for first place.  Again the 312 FP can be applied by the owner using his/her own FP or using the swap threads.

When you are posting a GB to the thread

  1. Make sure you have applied enough FP to lock the positions you are posting. Use to aid you in knowing the amount needed to lock position. If you do not know how to use the GB investment site please ask someone.
  2. Post to the 1.9 thread as follows: HD CF 5 (10) 4 (29) 3 (95) 2 (276) 1 (551). You will want to do them in order of lowest position (5) to the highest position, that way, when a player takes a position, the info can be copied and pasted removing the last entry. The use of the letter 'P' in front of the position is okay, showing the level (23 ---> 24) is not necessary. The amount in parenthesis is the amount to be paid by the purchaser and is equal to the FP for the level time 1.90 (e.g. if level amount is 10, then 10 * 1.9 = 19, then the position would show as P5(19)). Optionally the word 'Needs' can be used at the beginning of the posting.
  3. Once all position of your GB have been taken, level your GB as quickly as possible to the player that have taken the positions can regain the resources they have invested in your GB.

When you purchase a position

  1. Take the highest position (1 is highest), do NOT skip positions;
  2. Post which position your are taking;
  3. Pay the GB's owner for the  position taking; and
  4. Re-post the needs that remain for any players having posted their GBs.

In summary

Any GB can be posted to the 190 thread and should allow players to load-up on FP and allow the guild to grow at a more rapid rate.


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