Forge of Empires: White Lotus

Questions have come up from time to time about what it cost to do technology research per age. The site contains much of the information you are looking for. The site gives you each technology, forge point, coin, supplies and the goods needed to unlock the technology. 

Total Tech Cost Per Age

Age Forge Points Coin Supplies Goods
Bronze Age 127 2,300 2,300 Marble[2]; Lumber[2]
Iron Age 256 8,050 13,100 BA: Stone[25]; Wine[59]; Dye[27]; Lumber[60]; Marble[37] 
IA: Limestone[3]; Ebony[4]; Cloth[11]; Iron[13]; Jewelry[16]
Early Middle Ages 505 31,500 63,250 BA: Dye[46]; Lumber[34]; Marble[22]; Stone[61]; Wine[35]
IA: Cloth[77]; Ebony[63]; Iron[82]; Jewelry[90]; Limestone[70]
EMA: Alabaster[14]; Copper[23]; Gold[30]; Granite[4]; Honey[20]
High Middle Ages 733 53,500 194,000 BA: Dye [90]; Lumber [79]; Marble [94]; Stone [66]; Wine [71]
IA: Cloth [30]; Ebony [42]; Iron [47]; Jewelry [10]; Limestone [28]
EMA: Alabaster [20]; Copper [20]; Gold [41]; Granite [60]; Honey [30]
HMA: Brick [40]; Dried Herbs [34]; Glass [50]; Rope [4]; Salt [11]
Late Middle Ages 1,073 155,000 427,500 IA: Cloth [130]; Ebony [140]; Iron [100]; Jewelry [140]; Limestone [150];
EMA: Alabaster [200]; Copper [150]; Gold [110]; Granite [140]; Honey [140];
HMA: Brick [60]; Dried Herbs [80]; Glass [80]; Rope [120]; Salt [100];
LMA: Bassalt: Brass [50]; Gunpowder [50]; Silk [40]; Talc Powder [70];
Colonial Age 1,000 115,337 421,870 EMA: Alabaster [120]; Copper [200]; Gold [170]; Granite [150]; Honey [160]
HMA: Brick [100]; Dried Herbs [110]; Glass [130]; Rope [110]; Salt [100]
LMA: Basalt [160]; Brass [60]; Gunpowder [150]; Silk [150]; Talc Powder [140]
CA: Coffee [40]; Porcelain [60]; Paper [80]; Tar [40]; Wire [80]
Industrial Age 1,140 303,000 1,495,000 HMA: Brick [220]; Dried Herbs [190]; Glass [160]; Rope [190]; Salt [210]
LMA: Basalt [170]; Brass [260]; Gunpowder [210]; Silk [230]; Talc Powder [130]
CA: Coffee [170]; Porcelain [160]; Paper [120]; Tar [150]; Wire [160]
INA: Coke [55]; Fertilizer [145]; Rubber [160]; Textiles [100]; Whale Oil [110]
Progressive Era 1,430 514,111 2,026,111 LMA: Basalt [180]; Brass [210]; Gunpowder [160]; Silk [150]; Talc Powder [240]
CA: Coffee [320]; Porcelain [190]; Paper [220]; Tar [320]; Wire [250]
INA: Coke [180]; Fertilizer [275]; Rubber [260]; Textiles [230]; Whale Oil [220]
PE: Asbestos [180]; Explosives [300]; Gasoline [170]; Machine Parts [330]; Tinplate [240]
Modern Era 1,440 1,124,456 3,965,321 CA: Coffee [90]; Porcelain [90]; Paper [40]; Tar [130]; Wire [90]
INA: Coke [320]; Fertilizer [160]; Rubber [130]; Textiles [300]; Whale Oil [430]
PE: Asbestos [250]; Explosives [330]; Gasoline [380]; Machine Parts [450]; Tinplate [340]
ME: Convenience Food [350]; Ferroconcrete [360]; Flavorants [190]; Luxury Materials [330]; Packaging [280]
Postmodern Era 1,680 5,030,000 7,120,000 INA: Coke [395]; Fertilizer [470]; Rubber [450]; Textiles [370]; Whale Oil [240]
PE: Asbestos [280]; Explosives [230]; Gasoline [230]; Machine Parts [230]; Tinplate [290]
ME: Convenience Food [440]; Ferroconcrete [250]; Flavorants [320]; Luxury Materials [380]; Packaging [300]
PME: Genome Data [200]; Industrial Filters [290]; Renewable Resources [300]; Semiconductors [340]; Steel [380]
Contemporary Era 1,530 10,025,914 12,351,147 PE: Asbestos [480]; Explosives [380]; Gasoline [490]; Machine Parts [390]; Tinplate [420]
ME: Convenience Food [400]; Ferroconcrete [550]; Flavorants [400]; Luxury Materials [400]; Packaging [600]
PME: Genome Data [400]; Industrial Filters [400]; Renewable Resources [500]; Semiconductors [550]; Steel [400]
CE: Bionics Data [400]; Electromagnets [370]; Gas [510]; Plastics [360]; Robots [380]
Tomorrow 1,620 16,220,100 20,011,100 ME: Convenience Food [410]; Ferroconcrete [440]; Flavorants [690]; Luxury Materials [490]; Packaging [420]
PME: Genome Data [750]; Industrial Filters [750]; Renewable Resources [550]; Semiconductors [470]; Steel [720]
CE: Bionics Data [565]; Electromagnets [545]; Gas [435]; Plastics [550]; Robots [500]
TOM: Nutrition Research [480]; Papercrete [530]; Preservatives [310]; Smart Materials [570]; Translucent Concrete [510]
The Future 1,887 21,176,100 29,181,200 PME: Genome Data [450]; Industrial Filters [360]; Renewable Resources [450]; Semiconductors [440]; Steel [300]
CE: Bionics Data [1035]; Electromagnets [840]; Gas [915]; Plastics [790]; Robots [910]
TOM: Nutrition Research [520]; Papercrete [775]; Preservatives [940]; Smart Materials [880]; Translucent Concrete [720]
FUT: Algae [460]; Biogeochemical Data [450]; Nanoparticles [465]; Purified Water [380]; Superconductors [425]
Arctic Future 4,054 60,421,125 60,508,138 CE: Bionics Data [480]; Electromagnets [NONE]; Gas [390]; Plastics [NONE]; Robots [420]
TOM: Nutrition Research [320]; Papercrete [330]; Preservatives [NONE]; Smart Materials [NONE]; Translucent Concrete [NONE]
FUT: Algae [690]; Biogeochemical Data [720]; Nanoparticles [710]; Purified Water [740]; Superconductors [740]
AF: A.I. Data [920]; Bioplastics [910]; Nanowire [910]; Paper Batteries [760]; Transester Gas [930]
Oceanic Future 8,111 99,800,000 94,400,000 TOM: Nutrition Research [200]; Papercrete [250]; Preservatives [320]; Smart Materials [320]; Translucent Concrete [280]
FUT: Algae [340]; Biogeochemical Data [470]; Nanoparticles [490]; Purified Water [410]; Superconductors [410]
AF: A.I. Data [1150]; Bioplastics [1120]; Nanowire [1370]; Paper Batteries [1670]; Transester Gas [1120]
OF: Artificial Scales [1990]; Biolight [1900]; Corals [1980]; Pearls [2090]; Plankton [1880]
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