Forge of Empires: White Lotus

Quest Events

This is a list of special events that have occurred in Forge of Empires. Most of them are reoccurring but some are marking special happenings. During the events players are often offered rewards of special buildings -- both new and old ones.

Seasonal Events
2018 Carnival EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2017 Carnival EventSpring EventMay Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2016 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventMay Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2015 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2014 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2013 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2012 Halloween EventWinter Event
Special Events
2018 Forge Bowl EventFoE Soccer Cup Event
2017 5th Anniversary
2016 FoE Soccer Cup Event
2015 Memorial Event
2014 FoE Soccer Cup Event
2013 Leonardo's Visit EventBirthday Event
Historical Questlines
2018 Napoleon BonaparteCleopatraVincent van GoghSacajaweaGenghis Khan
2017 Tour de FranceAlbert EinsteinArthur Conan DoyleShah JahanMarilyn MonroeGalileo GalileiMahātmā GandhiRosa Parks
2016 Martin Luther King Jr.Leap YearYuri GagarinIsadora DuncanMary StuartSisiThe Montgolfier Brothers
2015 Columbus


Forge of Empires Universe
Research and Warfare TechnologiesForge PointsArmies and UnitsProvincesArmy ManagementHit PointsGuild vs. Guild (GvG)
Peacetime Actions Guild ExpeditionsTradingQuestsCultural settlementsDaily ChallengesFriendshipsGuildVisitation Actions
City Life EventsResourcesIncidentsHappinessNeighborhoodAchievementsFriends Tavern
Buildings and Architecture BuildingsGreat BuildingsSpecial BuildingsBuilding ModesReconstruction Mode
Once-in-a-While AgesExpansionRandom Rewards
Collections Continent MapsProvince OwnersQuest GiversPortraitsSpecial Skills
Miscellaneous New Ranking SystemRanking OverviewChangelogsGuild Support PoolWorldInnoGames


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