Forge of Empires: White Lotus
- it is not allowable to work the same level of your GB in swaps and 1.9. you must decide for each level which way you will work that level.
- when you post your GB in the 1.9 thread be sure that all positions posted are locked. If you post an unlocked position and the position is sniped after a guildmate takes it. You are responsible for reimbursing your guildmate for all losses. Protect their investments in you, lock the positions.
- always take positions in order. P1 secures p2, p2 secures p3 and so on. Taking out of order creates greater sniping risk. If you take positions out of order, you are responsible for reimbursing owner and fellow guildmates for any and all losses. You are better off to wait until that position come up.
- CALL YOUR POSITION in thread, WAIT FOR POST TO DISPLAY to make sure that you were first to call that position and THEN post the FP
- it is expected that once any GB goes through 1.9 it will be leveled with the next collections. It's understandable that with high level(60+) gb it could take double that
- if you choose to loop when placing your FP(either owner or investor) and a sniping happens, you are responsible for every contributors loss
- please do not waste blueprints. If a position has a blueprint reward, it should be posted for 1FP
- Please be courteous and respectful of your fellow guildmates. Mistakes will happen, Chat is not perfect, and I've seen messages appear before mine that were not there previously. Any member being disrespectful is subject to immediate removal by any leader who sees it.
There is a saying
Crap happens in the 1.9 thread
always has and always will
that is just the nature of this beast
chill out and relax
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